
I am broadly interested in studying how properties of biological systems (molecules, cells, organs, organisms, populations) change over space and time, and what factors drive these changes. For my graduate work I am focusing on the molecular mechanisms of how cells regulate the number and type of messenger RNAs during growth and development. To study how these molecules “behave” over their lifetimes-how they move inside the cell, where they reside and what other molecules they interact with-I am currently using single molecule fluorescence microscopy to visualize these processes in living cells.

I routinely use tools of molecular biology, single-molecule fluorescence microscopy and modeling for my work. I primarily write code in Matlab and I hope to share some of my scripts on my git soon.

In the past, I have been fortunate to have been able to work with many amazing mentors and scientists. The research experiences I had during my time in Dr. Christian Ray’s and Dr. Kavita Babu’s labs have had particularly strong influences on my thought process.

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